Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Look at what we have here... a nation of people generating emails and memos who actually create nothing at all. Wouldn’t it be excellent if we had a means of paying them with what they think is real money but that is actually created out of nothing. Wait a minute. We already do. We have FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes). Now you have to admit, this is a great deal. Nobody loses here. The people that want to own real money like gold and silver, can be labeled as nuts and can just quietly acquire it as they see fit. Everyone else gets money that the government makes out of nothing. We must make sure, however, they are paid more and more of it so they will never find out how this nothing for nothing pay system works. Because if they ever do, they would be out collecting gold and silver too and that just wouldn’t work, because not everyone can be wealthy. We need these poor suckers in our system so the rich can get richer. I’m beginning to see the light in this economic masterpiece. We must be the first ones to ever come up with a great system like this. Either that or just making money of of nothing is going to work forever this time around because things are truly different. Somebody pretty smart and pretty rich must be some happy about how things are going so far.

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