Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Buy now pay back never. This example that our government sets before for us has severe consequences for ordinary folks (I think my daughter is suffering the reality of the fact that debts must be paid off somehow). Thomas Jefferson said, "Don't taste the pleasure until you know there is no hook in it". But who cares. Just charge it (or print it) and hope you can pay later.

And does anyone really believe that money can be made out of absolutely nothing? It surely is being done right now. How long can this go on? I don't get it. Then a friend of mine -a very bright and talented friend indeed, argues that the world must run on a fiat money system in order to pay people working all day or night that actually create or make nothing. Pay nothing to the creators of nothing. I am lost to understand how this can go on and on.

Maybe not everyone can be rich or safe or hoard a few gold and silver coins. But it surely is worth the effort of trying to inform that this is a logical thing to aim for... isn't it? I guess most people will just surf through their pain and try to hang on. I shouldn't grieve too much about it. But I don't understand why it is easier to label someone as a kook or a doomsayer rather than consider what is just plain common sense. I guess it gets back to the, "What's easiest right now" consciousness and worry about problems later on. Thanks for the great example Mr. and Mrs. Government. A long groan is all I can muster.

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