Thursday, November 02, 2006

Listening on the radio today... people arguing passionately about how to spend our money outside of our shores. They say we should do this and we have to do that... they feel so important about spending money. These people are not aware of the simple fact we just do not have any money! I'm inclined to think more and more that most all of our problems are due to the fact that no one understands what money is and where it comes from. I think the time is surely ripe for a discussion about money - or what we call money. We trust our government to tell us the truth about money. They do not. They don't tell us that our own constitution says clearly that money is to be only gold and silver. They, together with the banking cartel known as the Fed Reserve are the inflation engine that is grinding our purchasing power away to nothing. The rich get richer - the middle class disappears to become part of the poor class. Standards of living go down for all that can't afford the abusive inflation tax. It is a long story, but an amazing story and one we should know well. When you truly see what has been going on for a hundred years, you get furious. I think this is the right term - furious and dumbfounded that others don't want to know about it. It does not subside. You get to the point where you will not stand for it anymore. Who would tolerate watching someone steal their own money from them a small bit at a time? Well guess what... It's happening to you right now. Inflation is the beast and it is hungry to feed its family of leeches.

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