Sunday, April 29, 2007

Just watched the groundbreaking Ron Paul interview from a dorm room on! Before I do anything else, I ask you to please bookmark or visit often the great website of Michael Nystrom -

I could ramble on about what I've learned of this man, Dr. Paul, which is all positive or I can just get to the point. Today, or anytime, I'd like for someone to post something they do NOT like about this man. I mean this man as a Presidential Man. I keep looking for something, but I don't see it yet.

Wednesday, January 31, 2007

Look at what we have here... a nation of people generating emails and memos who actually create nothing at all. Wouldn’t it be excellent if we had a means of paying them with what they think is real money but that is actually created out of nothing. Wait a minute. We already do. We have FRNs (Federal Reserve Notes). Now you have to admit, this is a great deal. Nobody loses here. The people that want to own real money like gold and silver, can be labeled as nuts and can just quietly acquire it as they see fit. Everyone else gets money that the government makes out of nothing. We must make sure, however, they are paid more and more of it so they will never find out how this nothing for nothing pay system works. Because if they ever do, they would be out collecting gold and silver too and that just wouldn’t work, because not everyone can be wealthy. We need these poor suckers in our system so the rich can get richer. I’m beginning to see the light in this economic masterpiece. We must be the first ones to ever come up with a great system like this. Either that or just making money of of nothing is going to work forever this time around because things are truly different. Somebody pretty smart and pretty rich must be some happy about how things are going so far.

Wednesday, November 29, 2006

Buy now pay back never. This example that our government sets before for us has severe consequences for ordinary folks (I think my daughter is suffering the reality of the fact that debts must be paid off somehow). Thomas Jefferson said, "Don't taste the pleasure until you know there is no hook in it". But who cares. Just charge it (or print it) and hope you can pay later.

And does anyone really believe that money can be made out of absolutely nothing? It surely is being done right now. How long can this go on? I don't get it. Then a friend of mine -a very bright and talented friend indeed, argues that the world must run on a fiat money system in order to pay people working all day or night that actually create or make nothing. Pay nothing to the creators of nothing. I am lost to understand how this can go on and on.

Maybe not everyone can be rich or safe or hoard a few gold and silver coins. But it surely is worth the effort of trying to inform that this is a logical thing to aim for... isn't it? I guess most people will just surf through their pain and try to hang on. I shouldn't grieve too much about it. But I don't understand why it is easier to label someone as a kook or a doomsayer rather than consider what is just plain common sense. I guess it gets back to the, "What's easiest right now" consciousness and worry about problems later on. Thanks for the great example Mr. and Mrs. Government. A long groan is all I can muster.

Thursday, November 02, 2006

Listening on the radio today... people arguing passionately about how to spend our money outside of our shores. They say we should do this and we have to do that... they feel so important about spending money. These people are not aware of the simple fact we just do not have any money! I'm inclined to think more and more that most all of our problems are due to the fact that no one understands what money is and where it comes from. I think the time is surely ripe for a discussion about money - or what we call money. We trust our government to tell us the truth about money. They do not. They don't tell us that our own constitution says clearly that money is to be only gold and silver. They, together with the banking cartel known as the Fed Reserve are the inflation engine that is grinding our purchasing power away to nothing. The rich get richer - the middle class disappears to become part of the poor class. Standards of living go down for all that can't afford the abusive inflation tax. It is a long story, but an amazing story and one we should know well. When you truly see what has been going on for a hundred years, you get furious. I think this is the right term - furious and dumbfounded that others don't want to know about it. It does not subside. You get to the point where you will not stand for it anymore. Who would tolerate watching someone steal their own money from them a small bit at a time? Well guess what... It's happening to you right now. Inflation is the beast and it is hungry to feed its family of leeches.

Tuesday, October 31, 2006

Critical links as they appear on links page
G. Edward Griffin's international movement to advance the creed of freedom
Freedom Force International is a network of men and women from all parts of the world who are concerned over loss of personal liberty and expansion of government power. They are not mere complainers. They have a plan to do something about it.

G. Edward Griffin (Author of Creature from Jekyll Island) interviewed by Jim Puplava
Priceless factual information in understandable terms about the Fed Reserve, our money and our future.
This is such an excellent intervie
Fiat Empire - documentary about the Federal Reserve
This movie is worth waiting a week to download IMHO. It is 160 megs in size. What we can learn from this documentary could help us change the world back to the right track - if only we would listen and learn - and start taking action.

Thursday, October 19, 2006

We're gonna hear it, sooner or later,
Two words together, in perfect sequence,
They rhyme, they chime, they tell us the story,
Revealing truth of our, fiscal nonesense

How long before we lose every penny,
Of purchase power we had once before,
Way back then most of a whole hundred years now,
The old money wolf stayed away from our door

Then came along this new Fed Reserve,
To steal that power away,
You won't feel it, with your regular pay raise,
But what happens, when they just stop one day

We are an Inflation Nation, too big to fail,
We are an Inflation Nation, we're gonna blow up too big one day

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